Ash Serpentine Front Commode in Portland, Oregon For Sale
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This commode is made of Ash and Oak. It was probably made in Portland around xxxx. It has a curved serpentine front. Measures 34" wide x 20 1/2" deep. Top is at 30". Total height is 57"
BIG Sale This Weekend!
20-50% OFF Thousands of items in the Tin Can Alley space at the Castle Rock Mercantile Antique Mall
(Internet prices have already been discounted)
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This is available at the Castle Rock Mercantile Antique Mall:
Find this item in the Tin Can Alley vendor space at the center of the mall
We are located just a few minutes off I-5
Take exit 48 or 49 toward downtown Castle Rock, WA
Address is 160 H Huntington Avenue North
Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays & Sundays
xxxx11 xxxx