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North Indian Music Lessons Voice & Tabla in Portland, Oregon For Sale

Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

Learn - improvisation, traditional melodies & rhythms, voice culture, instrumental technique and contemplative sound practices
Develop - listening skills, memory, concentration, intonation, time
The ancient sages of India explored and experimented with the deep relationships of sound, cosmology and the human psyche and body. Over thousands of years, they developed a sophisticated and sublime music, born out of these relationships and organized it into an intricate living system of raga (melody) and tala (rhythm). The classical music of India, therefore, is based in the changing conditions of nature's daily and seasonal cycles and related subtle variations in human feelings and sensations. For some studying this music is a way to refine their musical skills through learning traditional compositions and methods of improvisation, for others it is a spiritual practice preserved and expressed in the language of music.
'Music is that fine sense we call God' Pandit Pran Nath
35 years experience
Rik Masterson

State: Oregon  City: Portland  Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Oregon for sale

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